October 1, 2021
Ildeu Moreira
Rio de Janeiro,
Brasil |
Thanks for the fantastic site
on which I came across looking for Milan Stefanik. Stefanik
was at Passa Quatro (Minas Gerais,Brazil), in 1912, to
observe a total solar eclipse. There were also many
astronomers and teams, including A. Eddington, C. Davidson,
C. Perrine, and H. Morize. Unfortunately it rained all the
time, on the day of the eclipse, and they couldn't observe
anything. Here are photos of Stefanik and the astronomers.
January 28, 2021
Petra Aescht
LETTER Stiftung
Köln, Germany |
Our book for which you have kindly supplied us with plenty
of information on Tavík
František Šimon has
now been published:
http://www.letter-stiftung.de/index.php/leser/items/neuerscheinung-mich-schaudert-dieses-krieges.html |
22, 2021
Myron joshua
Israël |
Thanks for an amazing site
which i came across looking for the ptg wheatfields at
Auvers (van Gogh). |
July 27, 2020
Jeff Katzin
Akron, USA |
This website is a a truly
fantastic achievement! When I began research into a print
signed "T. Frank Simon" in the collection of the Akron Art
Museum, I never imagined that I would find my way to Tavik
František Šimon and such an incredible wealth of information.
I was able to start with your broader biographies but then
to dig deeper into Šimon's trip around the world and even
his datebook entries from the very day that he signed the
print in our museum's collection. Rarely have I found such
specific and useful information presented so openly and
To read more about my
research and the print by Šimon at the Akron Art Museum,
please follow this link:
If every artist was as thoroughly documented online as Šimon
is here—with timelines, biographical information, scans of
archival materials, a fully-accessible catalogue raisonné,
and more—I would think that the entire field of art history
would be years ahead of its present position! I hope that
other scholars and archivists find your work and take it as
an example. I am truly grateful for the effort and care that
you have put into tfsimon.com—you made my research far more
successful and enjoyable, and you gave me exciting
information that I was very glad to share with my community.
June 28, 2020
Alfonso Melendez
Spain |
Thanks a lot for your great website and all the best from
Madrid Spain!
Thank you
Alfonso for sending these pictures (auctioned in Prague
January 11, 2020
Alfred Pletsch

so much for your wonderful Imaginary Web Museum with
an extremely rich documentation on the life and work
of T.F. Šimon. The idea of including, beyond the
examples of his work as an artist, information on
the places that may have inspired his work, is
simply remarkable. A good example for this is the
section on (Český-)
Krumlov (Index Nr. 42) with some
nice pen drawings by Šimon from the years 1913/14
when he sojourned with his family in Bohemia. To my
surprise, the many pictures on that wonderful town
include a (mostly unknown) mural of Perchta of
Rožmberk, without any doubt the best-known White
Lady of the Czech Republic who, according to legends,
even today occasionally appears as a ghost at
Rožmberk Castle. Unfortunately, neither the exact
location of the mural (the photo was taken in 2006,
maybe in a restaurant or hotel in downtown Krumlov)
nor the author are identified and it would be very
appreciated if those who might read this note could
Climate change: think about it......
December 2, 2019

Most expensive (T.F. Šimon) sale at
auction (Gallery Kodl) in Prague.
New York at night
Oil on canvas, 103 x 65 cm.
Sold: 950.000 CZK (36.538 euro) + 20% commission.
October 7, 2019

received this photo from Oldřich Spaniel from the
Czech Republic.
T.F. Šimon, a lady and Hugo Boettinger. |
October 6, 2019

Recently we received a picture of this oil painting.
The painting is in a private collection, Toronto/
Canada. Oil on canvas, 55,3x75 cm, signed T.F. Šimon.
An impressionistic view of the Austerlitz Bridge
across the Seine, shown during the Great Flood of
Paris in January 1910 when the river rose about 8m.
The bridge is crowded with people looking at the
flooded waters. Lable on the back notes that it was
in exhibition at the 1911 Kunstlerbund Hagen in
Vienna. In the 1911 Kunstlerbund Hagen exhibition
catalogue from Vienna it’s called “Pont d’Austerlitz
See also:
February 17, 2019
David Pearson
Australia |

Looking at the picture of Kafka and Boettinger, it
was taken in Piccadilly Circus in London. I found
this old postcard so you can see where they were.
January 18,
Exhibition in Prague
Works by Czech artists (such as Jaroslav Čermák,
Antonín Chitussi, Alfons Mucha, Josef Čapek,
František Kupka,
František Šimon,
Jan Zrzavý, Alén
Diviš, Toyen, Jan Křížek) are presented and compared
to paintings by foreign artists, such as Paul
Gauguin, Paul Sérusier and Émil Bernard.
16.11.2018 - 17.3.2019 Kinsky Palace
in Prague.
16.06-30-09.2018 Musee
breton finistre / Quimper (France).
January 3, 2019
Dr. George
Bey |

I have
a piece by Simon. Don't know if you are aware of it
but I thought you might be interested in adding the
picture to your photo archive/collection if you
don't already know the oil painting. |
January 3, 2019
Chris Cotton
USA, Cleveland |
Thank you so much for this
fabulous and informative website about T.F. Simon. I
stumbled on your site when I was researching the Czech
national hero and renaissance man, Milan Stefanik, who has a
beautiful sculpture here where I live in Cleveland, Ohio,
USA. Stefanik was a good friend of Simon's, and your website
had some wonderful pictures and notes that were very useful
for me in my research and
And what a treat for me I was able to learn about this
brilliant artist.
Happy New Year 2019
December 13, 2018
Cathy D'S
As with many people these days, I have been
conducting a genealogy for my family. As I have been
tracing the ancestry of my Czech grandmother, Ruth
Tavik, I was given the passenger list for TF
Simon’s older brother, Antonio Frantisek Simon,
by a descendant of his. This descendant and I are
connected by DNA, and are estimated to be 5th-8th
cousins. In the passenger record, AF Simon went to
Baltimore before continuing on to Detroit. In the
record, it says he was traveling to his uncle’s
house in Baltimore, Anton Tavik, my grandmother’s
grandfather. We verified that the address was the
same, and are positive of the connection. As with
many in that day, he may not have been his actual
uncle, but a first or second cousin to his mother or
father. It was common to call any relative of the
parent’s generation “uncle” or “aunt” as a sign of
respect and generational notation. I was wondering
if you had any resources to trace the birth records
for TF Simon’s mother and father, as well as
grandparents? Anton Tavik’s wife was a Karoline
Simon, so we are unclear if the connection between
AF Simon is on his Tavik or Simon side. I would
appreciate any assistance you could give. I am
looking for his parents and grandparents siblings.
First try this website: Locality- type Nymburk
and you get books of records of birth, death and marriage of
Nymburk, as the Tavik family lived in Nymburk in these days
Anton Tavik's record of birth should be found.
This is the genealogical information we have
published on the website:
Genealogy of the family Simon
and Tavik.
For further research you could contact the
National Archive in Prague or a regional archive for
information how to find records of birth, marriage
and death.
17. Good news!
Cathy D'S found the record of birth of her ancestor
Anton Josef Tavik,
he was the younger brother to Anna Tavikova, and
uncle to TF Simon!
Birth 15 September 1850 in Nymburk.
December 10, 2018
Judy Parker
Hello - So nice to
find this website to get more information on this
artist and print I bought over half a century ago.
It wasn't in the best shape then and I wasn't savvy
to know about non-acidic boards back then but I've
always treasured it even as its sadly aged. I had no
idea what the final print looked like until the
Internet! So just want to share with you all what at
least one of his reproofs looked like. The most
striking difference is I don't have a lovely blue
wagon. But I do have this print. And I am a print
maker as well so it's valued even more so for me.
See also
July 13, 2017
Ben Dunham
December 12, 2018
October 11, 2018
Jan Leman
UK, London |
To the directors of the Tavik Frantisek Simon
Hello, I thought to let you see images of a
watercolour work I believe to be original, by Tavik
Simon from 1919 - most likely painted when Simon
returned to inspect his old studio in Paris.
To the right of the signature there appears to be a
faint stamp in red ink, the first line reads
It is believed this work was painted by Tavik Simon
on the day that the Versailles Treaty was finally
signed confirming the terms of the surrender of
Germany. During May 1919, a number of captured
German guns and tanks were put on display in La
Place De La Concorde in Paris.
In 1919, Simon returned to Paris for the first time
since the war had ended to see if his house and
atelier in Rue Humboldt had survived.
The work was found in West London as part of a mixed
portfolio, and neglected until recently. Further
imaging has helped identify the date of the piece,
and by good fortune a photographic image of the
scene in La Place de La Concorde taken in May 1919.
(not published on this page)
I would be most interested in your thoughts and any
guidance you can offer.
I should also congratulate you on a wonderful
website to a superb artist and printmaker.
Thank you for sending the
pictures. It is an interesting
watercolour, it is NOT created by the artist
T.F. Šimon but by another artist with the same second
September 28, 2018
David Pearson
Australia |
I can offer
a little bit more information on George
Ficke (see August 17).
When they landed in San Francisco, George
went to the Hotel Bellevue to visit TFS but
did not manage to see him. (I've attached a
copy of the note). Also interesting to see
that the handwriting on the drawing and on
the note is similar, so I guess it could be
George's son. George Ficke lived in San
Francisco in until at least March 1928 and
was based at 2323 Hyde Street in San
Francisco, which happened to be the home of
Noel Sullivan. Sullivan was a wealthy
American concert singer, philanthropist and
patron of the arts, who entertained
performers, artists and writers in his
residence and also befriended many African
Americans. They maintained some
correspondence and TFS sent George some
etchings from their trip, which George's
mother forwarded to him In San Francisco
form her home in Brooklyn. George
recommended that TFS try to see the Roland
Hayes an African-American concert artist if
he ever got the chance.
August 17, 2018
Cat Robson
Thanks so much for your wonderful website!
I've just purchased a lovely self-portrait
by Simon, dated November 13, 1926, during
his voyage around the world. I'm hoping to
discover as much as I can about it before
putting it up for auction. Is it in the
catalog raisonne? According to the later
inscription it was given as a gift by
someone named George in 1986. As there's no
last name in the inscription, it's probably
impossible to discover who this is/was, but
I thought I'd ask you if you had any ideas.
I wasn't able to find out if Simon had any
descendants named George, so we may never

Thank you
for the photograph.
It is not a
self-portrait but a portrait of
high probably George Ficke
(1900-1955 - from NY-Brooklyn ), a German family name. He had a
son George and a granddaughter Jodi. It is a puzzle who wrote the
text in 1986.
A drawing in pencil, signed by the
artist and dated November 13, 1926.
The artist met George on the boat
SSFinland on his trip from New York
to San Francisco (between November
4-19, 1926). The drawing is not
listed in the catalogue raisonné, as
only prints are catalogued.
In his book Letters from a voyage
around the World (translation by
David Pearson, 2015) the
artist writes (page 53) that he met
a young, handsome, dark-haired man..
He was born in America but his
father was German and his mother
French...... See the picture for
more details.
June 6, 2018
Christiana Beck
I do have a color
etching with T.F. Simon’s signature and it looks very
similar to one that I can find on your website: No 437
Dutch landscape in winter. Although mine IS different.
You are the experts and so I am asking you if you have
an idea how that can happen. I am attaching a few photos
of my etching. In my print one sees that nothing has
been cut away there. You can see where the plate made
the impression on the paper. And the signature is also
an original signature. So how can that happen? Can I
trust in it being a Simon original?
You have an original print by the
artist, the artist covered a part of the plate (or cut
it). We have listed this copy of the print. Three mills
and a church in the background. |
Mai 24, 2018
This foundation purchased
recently the book Catalogue Raisonné and Biographical Sketch
In preperation:
The cycles ( 9 prints) of Reims (1919) by T.F.
Simon will be included.
April 24, 2018
Tom Clemens
-- I purchased John Irvin Scull’s
copy of the TFS bookplate portfolio. Included with it was
Simon’s original transmittal letter for the bookplate he created
for Mr. Scull. I thought that might be of interest to you. The
attachment is my inventory record for the item:
Thank you for sending the picture of the
The artist created two ex-libris (as far as we know) for Irvin
1920 (N 569) and
1921 (N
570). The letter dates from 1923.
The booklet Ex libris and Novorecenky dates from 1918.
From St. Johnsville, New
York, Enterprise and News on Wednesday, March 13, 1938:
John Irwin Scull, born Somerset, Pa. Feb. 16, 1888. A member of
an old and prominent Somerset county family, Mr. Scull was born
in this part of Pennsylvania and has spent practically all his
life here. Like his father, one of the leading bankers of
Somerset county, Mr. Scull is identified with two of the most
prominent banks of the city of Somerset, of both of which he is
vice president. He is regarded as one of the most able and, most
successful of the younger generation of bankers in Somerset
county and holds a position of importance and influence in the
community. Mr. Scull prepared for college Mercersburg Academy
from which he was graduated in 1905. He then entered Princeton
University, graduated in 1909 with degree B. of A. one year's
post graduate course M. of A. 1910. In summer of that year he
was a member of the reportorial staff of the Philadelphia Press.
Later in 1910 became connected with the U.S. Fidelity and
Guaranty Co., continued until 1918 serving in various
capacities. Spent three years 1918-21 with American Red Cross.
Returned to Somerset in 1922 became connected with Somerset T.
Co., with which he remained until 1926. Actively engaged since
with First National Bank of Somerset. Vice president of both.
While attending college he became a member of the Quadrangle
Club of Princeton, also member of Somerset Country Club.
Unmarried. Source: The American Historical Society, Inc., N.Y.
April 4, 2018.
Musee Grand-Palais, Paris |
Exhibition: KUPKA - Pioneer of
abstraction at the Grand Palais, Galeries nationales.
From 21 March 2018 to 30 July 2018.
This exhibition is organised by the Réunion des Musées
Nationaux-Grand Palais in partnership with the Centre Pompidou,
Paris, the Národní Galerie v Praze, Prague, and the Ateneum Art
Museum, Helsinki.
March 26, 2018
škola Mšeno
CR |
Auction result:
March 2018
Art Consulting Brno Czechia
Oil on canvas, 100 x 85,5 cm.
Signed: ?TF
Final price (included + 20%):
CZK 1.080.000
March 16, 2018
Lenka Kamenikova
UK |

I now know
that my grandfather
Bezděkovský Karel
studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture
and Design (UMPRUM) in Prague from 1933 to 1938. After
graduation, he started studying with Professor Šimon at
the Academy of Fine Arts (AVU). He was accepted straight
away into the second year of that course. It would
appear that my grandfather studied under Professor Šimon
for the academic year from 1938 to 1939. He was enrolled
for the following year starting September 1939 but
couldn't start because of the occupation and closure of
the university by the Germans. I have not been able to
find out whether he was one of the private students that
Professor Šimon continued to teach in his private studio
following the closure of the university.
My grandfather studied under
T.F. Šimon
at the Academy of Fine Arts (AVU) and he always spoke so
fondly about him.
See also November
22, 2017.
February 25, 2018
Jesse Matossian

My wife
and I attended a swap meet in the area near our home. A
dealer was selling a TF Simon etching that we purchased;
308x302. 250 prints. Estampe Moderne, Paris. I have
attached some photos. The paper has been discolored due
to light penetrating through the glass in the frame. The
coloring is still in tact. The signature is in the lower
right. In the lower left is the EM stamp (Estampe
Moderne) and the number 95, indicating 95 out of the 250
total prints Simon printed. This is the third TF Simon
we have (N370, N386).
February 22, 2018
Karis Crawford
Thank you so much for your
comprehensive website on the work of T.F. Simon! Because of this
website, my family has been able to identify a wonderful print
that we own (#465, Au Quartier Latin, Marche Maubert, Paris)
from 1927. We do not know how or when it came to be owned by
family members living in the state of Minnesota in the United
February 22, 2018
News |
Discussion: E. Jacobi re-proof
Emil Jacobi (1853-1918)
See also
Ben Dunham: July 13, 2017.
January 20, 2018
Deborah Ray
Q Hello, I just purchased a T. F. Simon etching that is
titled “Quai Malaquais Paris” but it is different than
the one with that name in your list. It shows barges
tied alongside a seawall in winter. Do you have any
information on this etching? It is numbered “167” and is
also signed “T. F. Simon” in pencil. Thank you for any
assistance - anything you can share would be much
appreciated! Sincerely, Deborah Ray
It is Quai Voltaire. N 433 1925.
It is not! Quai Malaquais, so the title is not correct. |
Q I think it is a mistake of long
ago but cannot be sure. The title is in a different handwriting
than the signature and is lighter, but looks like it is from the
same time. Thank you again for the information, and for your
website - it is very helpful!
Do you think having the wrong title would affect the value one
way or the other?
No, it does not affect the value.
Januari 12, 2018
News |
Review by Akela
Reason, Associate Professor, Department of History, University
of Georgia, on the exhibition: Icon of Modernism:
Representing the Brooklyn Bridge, 1883–1950. Location:
Athens in Georgia USA.
..........A twilight aquatint view of the bridge and city by
Czech artist Tavík František Šimon offered a startlingly
different impression of the bridge from a vantage point on the
bridge itself making use of the gridded cabling as a screen for
this urban view......
www.tfsimon.com |
December 21, 2017
News |
This year in several musea spread
over the country in Czech Republic was celebrated the 100 years
of existence of the Art-society
HOLLAR. Initiator and one of the
co-founders of the society was
Tavik František
In Obecni Dum in Prague was
held an extended exhibition of mainly works of art by current
members and attention to the founders of the society. Also for
example in Pardubice, Karlovi Vary, and Ostrava were exhibitions
December 17, 2017
News |
Website of The Fine Art-Society in
A solo exhibition of Šimon's
artworks was held in New Bond Street in London, April 1923.
December 11, 2017
Update biographical information: |
First son
Camille (=Kamil) Simon was born November 25, 1906 in
Paris. His parents were noted on the
act of birth
as François Simon
and Guillaumette (=Vilma) Kracikova. Witness: Louis (=Ludvik)
Strimpl and Ferdinand Michl.
Paris, Arrondissement 6.
Daughter Eve Marie Anne
(=Eva) Simon was born July 18, 1908 in Paris. Her parents were
noted on the
act of birth
as François Simon and Vilemina Kracikova. Witness: Otokar
Spaniel and Louis (=Ludvik) Strimpl. Paris, Arrondissement 14.
November 22, 2017
Exhibition in Železnice
Museum of national history and
geography of Železnice.
Galerie T.F.
Exhibition 1.11-1.12.2017.
Simona Hrabalová
November 22, 2017
Lenka Kamenikova
UK |
The book you sent arrived safe and
sound yesterday, thank you. I have unwrapped it but I have not
yet found sufficient time to sit down in a quiet corner to start
to enjoy it. Please believe me I cannot wait to re-enter the
world occupied by my grandfather who I have surely missed for
the last 27 years since his death in the Czech Republic. Once I
start reading the book, I am sure there will be so many
questions that I would like to raise.
In the meantime, I can let you know that my grandfather was
Karel Bezdekovsky, born
13/10/1911 in Havlickuv Brod. I understand that he went to the
School of Ceramics in Bechyne, I then recollect that he went to
the UMPRUM in Prague as he felt that he needed to, prior to
being excepted at AVU, where I believe that TF Simon was his
professor. I understand that his education finished just prior
to the WW2 so he didn't get the chance to pursue his art very
much. I understand that his only job was as an art teacher in a
school in Karlovy Vary and he had one or two exhibitions. I will
try to find out more by contacting the AVU directly and see if
they can provide some more information. If I find something
relevant, I will let it know.
July 13, 2017
Ben Dunham
I was looking at your website on
T.F. Simon and its discussions of "re-proof" images printed by E. Jacobi. For more information on Emil Jacobi, visit
and use the menu bars at top right to go to the "Jacobi
Re-proofs" page or to the page directly:
These prints were not restrikes of the artists' plates, but
rather photographic reproductions done with the photo-gelatine
process, for which Jacobi had a patent from the US Government.
May 27, 2017
News |
April 21, 2017
Sandra Boujet
Musée Rodin,

The Museum
(Musée Rodin) recently acquired the oil painting "At the
exhibition of Rodin" It is in the collection of the
Rodin museum with this
number: P.09527, it is now exhibiting at Galeries
nationales du Grand Palais for the Centenary of Rodin.
March 3, 2017
Luxemburg/ Czechia |
Hello! We have met you last summer in Koerich (we are a Czech
family currently living in Luxembourg) I am sorry it took my so
long to write, but I have unfortunately lost the note with the
website address for some time. Now I have it again! Now why I am
writing: my friend asked me how exactly is Tavik František Šimon
related to the Koerich church? Was he doing some design/paintings
in the interier? Is there maybe a page or a section on your
website (tfsimon.com) that speaks about that matter? Thank you
very much and I wish you all a very nice
weekend! Vojta
How kind Vojta, I remember me very well our visit and meeting. I
was at that time in Koerich to see the interieur of the Baroque
church. The murials inside the church were done under
supervision (1767-1777) of the Bohemian painter Joseph Müller,
that took my attention. Also there were a few old graves (outside) with Bohemian names. The artist Tavik František Šimon is not
related to the church of Koerich. Have a nice weekend too
and a good stay in friendly Luxembourg. Catharine.
News |
Czech minister
Stropnicky visited the Columbarium in honour of Kupka in
The romove of the remains of František Kupka from Paris
to Prague has not taken place.
Durant son séjour en France
June 15, 2015, Monsieur Stropnický a visité
le cimetičre du Pčre Lachaise oů il a déposé une gerbe
au pied du mémorial des légionnaires Tchécoslovaques et
a rencontré les membres du Sokol de Paris et de
l’Association des volontaires tchécoslovaques en France
qui contribuent ŕ la préservation de la mémoire de
l’histoire militaire tchčque en France. Le ministre a
rendu également hommage ŕ František Kupka, peintre et
légionnaire tchčque, qui repose au Pčre Lachaise.
See also this page:
February 21, 2017
Eugenie Hančarová
Dear friends, let me
introduce you our Classical Bookbinding Museum in
Rožďalovice, a little town in Central Bohemia. We
created the museum in the house and original bookbindery
of Jenda Rajman, an excellent Czech art bookbinder (1892
– 1965). Jenda Rajman was a friend of T.F. Šimon and his
son Pavel Šimon. Now we are opening the exhibition named
“Gauguin’s wood engravings and “Hollar” founders”, where
we show the collection of 12 replicas made by František
Kobliha. This exhibition is devoted also to T.F.Šimon,
as he took part in the story of Gauguin’s wood engravings
and because we celebrate 140 years from his birthday
this year. |
Regrettably we have not many
things reminding T.F.Šimon in Rožďalovice, but we have his short
memo in Rajman’s Guest Book, I am sending the copy to you. We
would like to invite you to our museum. More information –
January 26, 2017
Ruth Fraňková
Dec. 29, 2016
Januari 5, 2017
Barbara Mann
I received a piece of T. F. Simon’s
art. Would you be so kind as tell me more about it. I do not see it
in the archives.
Please find your print
on this page:
Novak 225, 1914.
January 4, 2017
Gavin Banns
UK |
Thank you for producing such a
comprehensive website on the works of T.F. Šimon. I enjoyed looking
through his various sketches. The sketch entitled 'village' found on
this page :
appears to be a study (with a few improvisations)
made after Fritz Thaulow entitled, 'Washerwomen In The Morning At
A The
artist T F Simon was at the location in Quimperle in person to drawn
in his sketchbook the same theme as the painting by Thaulow. The
sketch entitled "village" is not a study from Thaulows artwork but
an original personal impression by the artist during his stay in Quimperle
(Bretagne). I will change the title of the drawing. Thank you!
It did cross my mind that he
might have visited the location, I guess it must have been a popular
attraction for artists at the time. Thank you for the information,
it is appreciated, and thank you once more for the time and passion
you've put into your website.
It looks like a beautiful part of France. I actually first came
across your website a few months ago, as I was seeking artists who
had depicted scenes of Paris in the Japanese ukiyo-e style of
illustration. I came across Henri Riviere and then T.F. Simon via
your site, so it was a pleasant discovery for me.
december 30, 2016
Jiří Beneš
Czechia |
Hello, I have been given an oil on carton, allegedly by T.F. Šimon,
yet not signed (see attachements) Dimensons 11x16 cm. I am curious
to know whether the authorship of T. F. Šimon is probable. I would
also like to appreciate your unfivalled website.
Thank you kindly, the oil painting is
not created by T.F.

www.tfsimon.com |
2017 |
November 11, 2016
Exhibition, Museum Plzen, upto January
8, 2017.
Hugo Boettinger (colleague and closest friend of
T.F. Šimon).
Oktober 29, 2016

Edvard Munch’s oilpainting
To Lead Sotheby’s November Sales of Impressionist & Modern
Estimated in Excess of $50 Million.
Sold: $54.487.500 |
August 10, 2016
Jesse Matossian
I have a T.F.
Šimon etching
(N 386 in the book). It is signed in pencil in the lower
right. In the lower left it is written in pencil, "epreuve
d'artiste", and next to this is a green embossed stamp of
the artist. I assume this is the artist's proof of the color
etching N386 in the book. T.F. Simon was a remarkable artist.
I also collect other artists who were etchers, like Edgar
Chahine, who also liked the Paris scenes, especially with
peasants. I was unable to find a reference to Edgar Chahine
in the T.F. Simon book. They must have been present in Paris
at about the same time. Great accomplishment to archive and
make accessible this artists work to the public.Thank you
for the book.
July 19, 2016
Upcoming exhibition at the Georgia
Museum of Art. “Icon of Modernism: Representing the Brooklyn Bridge,
1883-1950.” The exhibition opens in September. The color aquatint
New York—Brooklyn Bridge, 1927 - N 460 is in the exhibition and will
be reproduced full-page in the color plates section.
June 12, 2016
Exhibition in Paris at the Czech
Center in Paris. |
June 9, 2016
David Veselý

Thank you
for your work about TFŠ. Your book is great. Last year
our store bought one copy and it as awsome. Thank you!
We have in our store for sale the print "Girl with Books".
You can see litle brown dots on the back side of paper.
Two of them are able to see upper of the preasure. It is
not signed, marked on the upper left side. The prize is
1.200CZK. If anyone is interested in purchasing this
print please let me know.
www.podzemni-antikvariat.cz |
June 8, 2016
Barbara Moody
Netherlands |
We hebben elkaar vandaag ontmoet in
Hoorn, ik was aan het schilderen aan de haven, bedankt dat je
mij deze prachtige schilder hebt leren kennen. Hier mijn site,
Tot de volgende keer. Barbara
May 31, 2016
David Lyman
To whom it may concern, My
name is David Lyman, I live north of Boston and have a print
from the catalogue raisonné of T.F Simon. I am confused as on
the back it has a hand written note that says Chateau
Sheneneau Saivaigne , France 1912, and on the front of the
print it says 1911 with the hallmark that I learned about.
When I checked the catalog, the print is different than the
one in the resonne. The trees are different and it does not
match the photo that I have. If there is any way you could
help me I would be greatly appreciative. I was wondering if
I may have the first copy that was revised when it went into
print? Your response would be greatly appreciated. |
Thank you
for sending this picture.
CHÂTEAU DE CHENONCEAU. E – 227x318, 150 prints. 35 prints by Fred. Keppel, New York. 3 states.
It is a print in three states.On the website in the Catalogue Raisonné you see the
II state
and archived the
I state.Yours (see the picture) is
different from the I and II state, there are some pencil
sketches in the print f.i. in the right corner of the
April 22, 2016
Mary Katherine Keiser
Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Galleries
Q To
whom it may concern, Good afternoon, I hope this email finds
you well. I am personally contacting you regarding Ahlers &
Ogletree Auction Galleries upcoming "Fine Atlanta Estates
Auction" on April 30th/May 1st. Included in our upcoming
auction is a oil work by Tavik Frantisek Simon, entitled, "Figural

Sorry, but this oilpainting to be auctioned is NOT created
by the artist T.F. Šimon.
April 4, 2016
Chris Kenefick
Charlotte, N.C
Q Hi there. T.F. Simon sounds
like a very interesting man…I purchased a print of his today,
which I identify as “1925 AP1” on your website. In the lower
left, it reads “135/350.” It appears to be a painting from
his time spent in Asia. Can you tell me a little bit about
it? I am thoroughly enjoying it. Thank you kindly, Chris
Are you sure
1925 AP1?
Yes, positive.
I’ll send a photo.
Thank you for the
photo. It is an Original print by T F Simon 'Booksellers
on the Quai des Grands Augustins', Paris.
1925. The woman in the chair looks like an Asian.
You have number 135 of an edition of 350.
April 11:
Thanks, Catharine. Interesting. Buildings certainly
looked European, but some of the characters looked to be
Asian. I’ll check out the website.
Thank you kindly.
There was also a New York print for sale,
which I wanted to get as well. This was an estate sale. When
I walked back through to get both of them, the New York
print had already been snatched up. Oh well. There are two
relatively old houses in my neighborhood, both built in the
1950’s. I live in one of them. The neighborhood is about 10
miles southeast of downtown Charlotte. Both houses were
built by the Hemby family, who also owned all the land, and
a bunch of other nearby land as well. They were responsible
for developing my neighborhood on the land they owned. The
estate sale was held at the other Hemby house. An elderly
family member just moved out of it (age 96 or so) and into
assisted living, so the house is going up for sale and will
no longer be owned by the family. The Hemby’s were/are a
pretty well to do family, with the grandfather having been a
pioneer in the banking industry here in Charlotte at the
turn of the century (President of American Trust Company,
which morphed into Nationsbank, which is now Bank of America)…and
he might be credited with the start of Charlotte’s urban
sprawl…by building the house, 10 miles southeast of downtown
Charlotte, where I bought the T.F. Simon print…
March 6, 2016
European Arts
Prague, Czechia |

Oil on canvas, 37,5 x 54,5 cm.
Signed: FŠimon
Paris 1904.
Final Hammerprice:
€ 31.238,70 (+20%).
January 12, 2016
Waynor Rogers
Tucson, Arizona
beautiful and informative book arrived today. Thank you so
much for the enormous effort required to compile this
valuable information for collectors of T. F. Simon. It will
find an important place in our library of western print
artists who traveled the world and informed our grandparents
of the beauty of the North Africa, the Mid-East,and East
Asia. And a special thanks to you and Mr. Pearson for
translating his works into English for the rest of us.
www.tfsimon.com |
September 24, 2015
Petr Matoušek
Czechia |

Dobrý den, Chtěl bych se zeptat
jestli je možná dohledat na Vašich stránkách dílo, které
posílám v příloze. Nepovedlo se mi ho najít, ale je možné,
že na stránkách uvedeno není neboť se jedná o kresbu tužkou.
Název díla je Motiv z ulice, rozměr 16x23cm.
Thank you for sending this image; a drawing (Men in
Amsterdam) by the
artist T.F. Šimon. |
August 19, 2015
Jeremy Hall
Kent, UK |
Hello there, Firstly, your
website has been incredible to look through, fantastic! I
recently purchased a TFS print whilst on holiday in Prague.
It is of the western façade of Rouen cathedral. I found the
print on your website ( N202) and it describes it as an art
extra of S.V.A. Manes that was produced as a run of 800
prints. Mine bears the red TFS stamp but no number or
signature. Thank you for your time. Kind regards, Jeremy
May 13, 2015
Romana Voháňková
Prague, Czechia |
Q Hello,
first of all I would like to express my interest in this
website. I found there two photographs, that I know from
some other artistic inheritances. First one, that I attach,
shows Hugo Boettinger and the czech scultor Bohumil Kafka
(It's also in Kafka's inheritance in the Archive of the
National gallery in Prague). The second one, that shows T.
F. Simon at the Normandy coast, is also to be found in the
inheritence of the czech painter Karel Špillar in the State
Archive of Pilsen. Špillar and Šimon probably spent some
time together in Normandy. I also would like to ask a
question: I found at this website four undated photos
(snapshots) taken by Šimon in Amsterdam. When was he there?
What type of camera did he use? When did he take up
photography? This would be very interesting for me.....
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards Romana Voháňková, student of art and
photohistory, Charles University Prague
Thank you Romana. Bohumil Kafka was befriended with TFŠ met
the Spillars in Fécamp, Normandy coast (1903). They must
have shared photographs. Amsterdam (snapshots) - I do not
know what camera he used. The photos were taken before 1914.
TFŠ has been to The Netherlands as far as known in
1903, 1909, 1912, and 1928. It is also not known when he took up
photography, only that his brother Robert Šimon was a
professional photographer and jounalist. Simon's best friend
was Hugo Boettinger. Hogo's father was Josef Boettinger who
erected a photo studio in Pilzen in 1867.
February 7, 2015
Maine, USA |
I just wanted to let you know
how valuable and beautiful your site is. I first discovered
Simon when I purchased one of his prints at an antique
store. It was tucked behind a bunch of vases and other knick
knacks but still managed to catch my eye. I decided to
research the artist and found your wonderful site and
realized the extent of his talent. Over time I have acquired
14 Simon prints and haven't stopped yet. If it weren't for
you and your wonderful site, I may have missed out on some
wonderful art.
January 30, 2015
Massachusetts, USA |
Q January 30th
What a wonderful website! I love the generous sharing of
information. I write you in hopes that you can refer me to
someone who can identify the Czech folk art left to me by
the widow of Wolf Salus, son of Hugo Salus – doctor, poet
and composer of Prague. These appear to be watercolors – I
have four originals. Mary Salus only described them as
“Czech folk art”.
Are their experts/academics who can tell me more about them?
I’ve been searching the internet for two years and would
greatly appreciate any help you can give. I attach two views
of one painting. |
you. Altough the question has no relation to T.F. Šimon at all it is added to the Guestbook.You
could try to contact Marketa Hanova of the National
Gallery in Prague. If
someone has information about the picture, please contact
Q January
To Miss Marketa Hanova,
In January 2013 a dear friend of mine, Mary Salus, passed
away at the age of 91. She left me three watercolors, which
she described to me as "Czech folk art". Mary's husband,
Wolfgang Salus, was from a famous Prague family. His father,
Hugo Salus, was a physician, poet and composer. Wolf was
very active politically. After he was released from
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp he and Mary fled the
communists to Munich. Mary had met Wolf while working at a
radio station in Prague. Just wanted to let you know her
Prague background. One of the watercolors was exhibited by
Umelecka Beseda in 1946, according to a stamp on the back. I
have tried for two years to find someone who could tell me
more about the paintings - are they Czech? Slovak? Roma (dark
skin of figures)? I'm sending you photos of the paintings
and the exhibition stamp, in hopes you can at least give me
contact information of someone who might shed some light on
my mystery paintings. The lady who has the TF Simon
guestbook site gave me your information. Thank you for your
attention. I hope you find these interesting. Jill Anderson
February 4th
This is the answer of Marketa Hanova:
Dear Mrs. Anderson, thank you for an
interesting mail. Thanks to
the stamp
I was lucky to find
out an author of these watercolors which is a female painter
Natálie Masliková-Schmidtová (1895-1981) Also, I have found
out a recently published monographic book with many
illustrations I´m a Migrating Bird / Natálie
Maslikova-Schmidtová (2006) published both in Czech and
English. I think it is still available, please see:
As we can read in a preface: (She) is one of the significant
representatives of the "primitive" art in the world. Most
often she is referred to as a naive painter....She spent her
youth in Russia, after her marriage to an Austrian prisoner
of war, Hugo Schmidt, in 1918, she spent the greatest part
of her life in Moravia (part of Czechoslovakia). She began
to paint after the age of fifty. Two important exhibitions
took place, in the Aleš Hall of Umělecká beseda in Prague (see
your receipt) and in Pierre Gallery in Paris. I hope you
find this helpful.
Best wishes, Marketa Hanova
Gallery in Prague. Collection of Oriental Art.
www.tfsimon.com |
Happy New Year
5 |
September 23,
Michal Čežík
Hradec Králové
Czech Republic |
Q Dobrý den,
nejprve bych Vám chtěl poděkovat za vytvoření těchto stránek,
na které jsem narazil při vyhledávání informací o umělci T.F.
Šimon. Jsem unešen jejich obsáhlostí. Jenom mě trochu mrzí,
že texty jsou převážně v angličtině.
K mému dotazu. Na internetu jsem se setkal s několika
nabídkami jeho grafik, kde je uvedeno vyšší pořadové číslo,
než je uváděno ve Vašem přehledu. Jedná se z Vašeho pohledu
o falza, nebo je možné, že ve skutečnosti byly tyto grafiky
vytisknuty ve více exemplářích. Děkuji za Vaši případnou
odpověď. S pozdravem.
you for your interesting question on this matter. It might
be possible the edition of some prints was higher as
mentioned in the catalogue raisonné. The catalogue was
published in 1937 with assistence of the artist himself and
even the artist did not always know the exact number of
September 1, 2014
Emilio Muracchioli

painting looks similar to one of Tavik František
Šimon water paintings. It says it was painted in
1900. I was curious to know if you knew anything
about this painting.
is not a painting by T.F. Simon. |
August 25, 2014
Kay E. Floyd
Q I have been given a TF Simon
print signed with his name, his monogram TFS and
also the monogram in green and numbered in pencil
"87". It is a winter scene with trees toward the
front and a domed building with 4 columns in the
background. The print appears to have little color
at first glance, but there is some color though very
muted....mainly shades of white, black, and tan. Is
this indeed a Simon print or just a reproduction? It
does appear to be old and the frame is in very bad
condition. (I have since removed it from the frame.)
Any information you can give me would be greatly
appreciated. |
It is
an original print by T F Simon (1877-1942). The passepartout
seems to be in bad condition and maybe the sheet is yellowed
behind the passepartout, furtheron the print itself with
bright colours seems to be in fine condition on the picture.
You should replace it in an accid-free passepartout.
Novak 448. Titel: WINTER IN THE PARK. edition of 240
prints, yours is 87. You can find the title in the catalogue
raisonné on the website.
August 21, 2014
Jana Korinkova
Czech Republic |
While moving a friend's flat in Brno, Czech
Republic, we have found a framed picture whose photograph I
attach. It seems identical with picture N 477. FIREWORKS IN
PARIS. colour E – 306x312 on your website (http://www.tfsimon.com/477.bmp.jpg).
The signature is T. F. Šimon. Would you be so kind and
confirm that the graphic could be an original? Are there any
such pieces to be sold? Are these Tuileries Gardens near
Louvre depicted in the picture? Best regards and many thanks
for your website.
It is
an original excellent print by T F Simon: Fireworks in
Paris, N 477. The building is Palais de Justice in Paris
near the river Seine (see enclosure). Auctionhauses in
Prague have offered Simon's prints like this one.
July 4, 2014
Dianne E. Carlisle
England |
Hi, On August 23, 2011 a young
lady, Kathy Gregory got an answer from you about 4 prints
she thought were T.F. Simon. Your answer to her was that
they were not done by Mr. Simon. My interest is in the print
you show on your website . I believe that I have the same
print. I also thought mine was a T.F. Simon. So the question
here is, who did do these prints and how can I find
information and value on this beautiful print? Thank you for
this site. I have found it very informative and interesting.
I have not found another sight that is so easy to read and
learn from. Again, I thank you for all your hard work.
June 20, 2014
Bonnie Lewis
What a treat to find this site. I have the print lEpicerie.
It is signed and initialed and has a # 72 on the left bottom.
The print is framed, very clean and colors are excellent.
The outside border of the mat area are soiled but any
discoloration is far from the print. Could you direct me to
someone who might suggest a value. B.
--This question is
answered nonpublic.
June 14, 2014
England |
I recently aquired, from a friend, three
T.F Simon colour etchings. I was just looking them up on
your website (amazing site by the way!) and I noticed that
one of them, the 1920 Embankment in Paris at Orsey, states
that only 150 were made.... but my one is numbered 155. I'm
curious about this discrepancy and wondered if you might
know anything.
It might
be possible the edition of some prints was higher as
mentioned in the catalogue raisonné. The catalogue was
published in 1937 with assistence of the artist himself and
even the artist did not always know the exact number of
2014 |
26, 2013
John Solinski
Pennsylvania USA |
Hi there,Thank you for making a website. I wouldn't have
known what I know if it weren't for you. Do you have any
information on Milan Rastislav Štefánik? He is my relative
and I think he is my Great Great Uncle. His brother Andrew
is my Great Grandfather and lived in Pennsylvania. Looking
forward to hearing from you.
All that we know about M.R.Š
is published on the Simon website on different pages
dedicated to
September 25, 2013
David Pearson
The book 'Letters from
the voyage around the World'
Coming soon for the first time in the English language by a
private initiative:
July 31, 2013
Oldřiška Dvořáčková
Prague, CR |
you for your kind permission for use of these pictures.
I don´t know, if you can read in Czech, so I would like
to describe you shortly a little-bit our Project, for
which I use these pics.
matter of our Project, called „Project of Adoption of
Significant Graves“ (Projekt adopce významných hrobů)
started Prague Cemeteries Administration due fact, that
there is many graves of very significant persons on our
Prague Cemeteries, like artists, actors, scientists etc.,
whom graves are unpaid and neither in very bad
conditions. These graves are sometimes under serious
risk of unrepairable damage, or could be sold out to
anyone, as there is not settled any legal status for
Significant Grave. This lack of legal protection of
these unpaid (unhired) graves want our Administration
solve by this Project. Anyone, who want, can come and
save these enlisted graves by the „adoption rental
contract“ of gravitone, which means that there is signed
Contract between our Administration and anyone, who want
to care and repair such grave. The adoption contract is
usually signed for 10 years and the price is the same
for the rent of common grave site in the same
measurment.One of the unpaid graves, enlisted into our
Project, is the grave of Hugo Boettinger.
(see our web:
http://www.hrbitovy.cz/adopceimg/adopcevin.pdf) Maybe you should be interrested to join our Project by
adoption of this Boettinger´s grave, or you know someone,
who should be.If you have any other questions about our
Project, do not hesitate to contact me. Just please,
excuse my english…
With my best regards and many thanks
June 21th, 2013
Grenoble, France
A ceremony to pay tribute to Milan Rastislav Štefánik
(1880-1919) has
been held on June 20th....
http://www.mountainwilderness.org/2013/06/21/who-knows-milan-rastisla-stefanik/ |
June 6,
Peter Bušta
Dear authors of the
page www.tfsimon.com . Please accept my deepest
thanks for creating that article about my grand
grand father's brother,
Milan Rastislav Štefánik
. It was of my greatest
pleasure to read through the lines about one member
of my family! Thank you again.
May 12, 2013
Catherine Van Wyck
Carlisle, PA,
Having owned a long-neglected print
of TF Simon, I have just discovered who he was, and
what a marvelous artist he was. I am happy to have
access to this wonderful complete site, so that I can
continue to learn more about him, and to have a "gallery"
at hand to view his work. Thank You.
March 10, 2013
Mr. Christini
Southern Calif, USA |
I have enjoyed reading about T F Simon because I just found
an original etching print," Antiquarian Booksellers at Notre
Dame". And that has lead me to researching his art works. A
very talented artist.
January 24, 2013
Daniel Gordon
Florida, USA |
Thanks for your assistance in establishing the
history behind my T. F. Simon print AP7 “Baigneuses
sur la Plage” #15 dated 06’ as named by the art
and referred to as “Bains de Mer” by T. F.
Simon. Finding the letter from the French art
dealer Ed Sagot dated 26 January 07 listing prints
on consignment that were sold including the No. 15
copy of Baigneuses sur la Plage was exciting. Thank
you for your efforts in maintaining this important
web site which allows research into the artist’s
life work and the enjoyment of seeing his work on
display. My copy being the only known copy I would
love to hear from anyone else who may have a copy of
“Baigneuses sur la Plage” aka “Bains de Mer.” Thank
you, Daniel Gordon
January5, 2013
Pavel Rak
Czechia |
s velkým obdivem
jsem si prohlédl vaše virtuální muzeum, prolezl jsem všechna
zákoutí, nadšeně jsem si prohlížel skicy, deníky,
životopisné údaje, porovnání portrétů s portrétovanými,
obdivoval nádherné tisky Prahy, Paříže a ostatních měst či
osob, prohlédl leho rodnou vísku a musím se poklonit vaší
píli a důkladosti, se kterou jste to vše dali dohromady a
uspořádali, kéž by každý malíř měl takovéto muzeum.
Musím se přiznat, že jsem o malíři Šimonovi moc nevěděl, mám
sice jeho knížku o grafice a cestě kolem světa, ale ke čtení
jsem se dostal až nyní, když jsem se náhodou o vašem muzeu
dozvěděl, oklikou, přes zájem o Huga Boettingera.
Budu vaše muzeum doporučovati všem známým a doufat, že i oni
prožijou takovou radost, jako my s manželkou.
Pavel Rak, nyní důchodce z podhůří Železných hor, dříve
animátor, karikaturista, ještě dříve konstruktér v Meoptě -
ale to už je dávno :-)
Přidám vám alespoň obrázek, který jsem loni posílal k
Vánocům a s přáním nového roku 2013. Ať se vám daří.

Pavel Rak
December 30, 2012
Pavel Rak
Czechia |
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé,
Jsme karikaturista, 73 let mladý :-) a prohlížel
jsem si na webu obrázky Dr. Desideria - Hugo
Boettingera, když jsem se dostal na vaši stránku
. vaše webové museum mapující dílo T. F. Šimona,
kterého jsem znal jen ze dvou knížek, které mám
doma - technika rytin a cesta kolem světa, ale
jeho dílo mi bylo prakticky neznámé. Díky Vám
jsem objevil nesmírnou krásu, kterou vytvořil a
jsme s manželkou úplně unešeni. Líbí se nám i
ostatní podsložky - ukazující díla Maxe
Švabinského a ostatních českých umělců a také
dílo Van Gogha.
I když jsem si myslel, že jeho dílo znám dost
podrobně, již roky si prohlížím jeho tvorbu na
všech možných webových stránkách, musím uznat,
že tak krásně, jak to máte udeláno vy, jsem
zatím nikde nenašel.Také se mi líbí, že to máte
uděláno v různých světových jazycích a tím pádem
to mohu doporučit svým přátelům v cizině.Škoda,
že moje tvorba je zaměřena úplně jiným směrem -
kreslený humor, takže vám nemohu nijak přispět
do vašeho virtuálního muzea… Ještě jednou vřelé
díky, za krásu, kterou jste nám pomohli objevit,
budu vaši stránku doporučovat všem známým.
Pavel &
Marcela Rakovi
P.S. Také se nám moc líbil ten oddíl, kde
srovnáváte jeho dílo s nynějším vzhledem míst.
I když jsem něco opomněl zmínit,
tak to neznamená, že by se nám to líbilo méně.
December 2, 2012
Maria Fadeeva
RU |
Hello everyone,
I want to thank
you for your contribution to our exhibition
in Moscow about book architecture, book
interventions and other "book" situations.
It was opened on 25 november.
November 16, 2012
Brenda Weaver
Orlando, Florida
really enjoy this website, and I do hope someone
most familiar with the Czech language will be
encouraged to write about this wonderful artist.
THANK YOU for your work in compiling these
images and making this site available, it really
has been informative for me personally.
Good luck with all, and thank you again. |
November 16, 2012
Maria Fadeeva
We are
going to make an exhibition about book interventions in
public spaces. The exhibition will be a part of Moscow
municipal program "Books in parks" and one of the main russian book-fairs "Nonfiction" (http://www.moscowbookfair.ru/eng/about.html).
There will be a part with few references from history.
And we'll be glad to opportunity to show Paris and its
historical book tradition, which is represented so good
in Frantisek Simon's drawings. So
we'll be appreciated if you can provide us with high-res
image of "Bookstalls in Paris"
image has been send to Maria)
October 12, 2012
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo
da Vinci
October 5, 2012
Kathy Wandelmaier
Thank you for your informative website. Mr.
Simon was a superb artist. I love the fashions
of the Edwardian and WW1 eras, so his portraits
from those years are especially
appealing to me. I have what I believe to be an
etching aquatint of no. 195 (Novak). I have
attached a photo of the print and the label from
the print shop that framed it. It has since been
re-mounted with acid - free backing. I did not
do the re-mount, so I do not know the condition
of the print other than what can be seen behind
the glass. I can tell you that is has faded some.
What should be a bright blue roof in the
foreground is more of a grey. The entire piece
has a brownish cast.
In 2007 an informal appraisal by The Old Print
Shop, 150 Lexington Ave., NY NY put a value of
$600 - 1200 if the print were sold here in
Connecticut, and $1000 - 1700 if sold in New
York City. I do not know if the print was
already faded at the time of the appraisal. Can
you tell me if these numbers are still accurate?
Thank you for your kind assistance.
you for the information and images, especially
the one with the lable of the printshop. We can
only tell you that appraisals by gallerieholders
and auctions have different results. It is not
possible to tell if the appraisal by the gallery
you mention is still accurate. Prints by T F
Simon are still popular and sought-after. It is
a good investment to purchase artworks by this artist
if you keep it in fine condition.
September 25, 2012
Tom Yu
Q Hi! Would you please explain to me what
is the difference between red stemp and green stemp?
I have the art work number 194 made
in 1912 with green stemp.
The difference is the colour, but it has not a special
reason what colour of ink has been used.
September 25, 2012
Thom Gianetto
Q Hello, How can I tell if I have an
original T. F. Simon color woodcut from 1909, Quai de Tournelle. It
is pencil signed and numbered 136. There is also an
embossed mark in the left margin next to the number. It
is a circle with printing of various words. I know there
are re-strikes or re-proofs, and I just want to know if
what I have is an original. It is in an old turn of the
century arts & crafts style frame. I will email an image.
Thanks for your help. Thom
You have an Original print by Tavik Frantisek Simon (1877-1942).
PARIS. 359 x 394mm. Technique: Colour Softground
& Aquatint.
Blind stamp of the Paris publisher Signed in pencil T F Simon.
Monogram in the print itself = 19 TFS 09 The number
of edition is unknown to us. Arthur Novak made a catalogue in 1937 of Simon's prints as you
can see on the TFS site. As this print is not
mentioned in the
original catalogue it has been added as an Appendix by
us. It
is a nice print with in the background the Cathedral
Notre Dame de Paris.
Thanks for all of this very useful information.
September 17,
Chris Kocsis
Springfield Virginia
Until I saw your
site, I had no idea of the tremendous
output Simon had. I feel very fortunate to have five of his
prints, all original issue, as far as I can tell, and I wish
I could see the entire collection in person. As I go through
the catalogue each image, whether painting or etching, fills
my eyes and my imagination. And your site is so
comprehensive. My hat is off to everyone who made this
happen. Chris. |
September 2, 2012
Robert Farrance
England? |
You have made a
wonderful web site, very good. Brian Banks gave me the link.
There is so much to see and read. I administer a tribute
page for Stefan Zechowski, via Facebook. See here
August 28, 2012
Leonard Hemmingway
Hi, I wonder if the artist Simon has been in Sevilla in
Spain and when? Does anyone know this.
Yes. Simon stayed in Sevilla (April
with his wife and daughter Eva on their trip to Marocco.
August 10, 2012
Elleen Harvest
I like the oil-paintings! |
July 30, 2012
Edward de Groot
Nederland |
Ik heb de pagina in het Nederlands bekeken. De kunstenaar
heeft een prachtig schilderij van het strand van
Scheveningen gemaakt. Weet iemand waar dit schilderij
Het is tot nu toe alleen bekend dat het schilderij is geveild door het veilinghuis Christies in
New York, 25-05-1995.
February 20,
Joseph Gajzler
Australia |
Vážený pane Simove!
Rád bych Vás upozornil na překlep či
chybu ve Vaši prezentaci o Novém Městu nad Metují,
kde název umělého jezera u České Skalice je omylem
označeno jako ROZTOŠ MÍSTO
správného ROZKOŠ ! To jmého
není žádná roztopášnost ale opravdu tak málo dnes
společná rozkoš.S pozdravem z Austrálie Novoměstký
rodák Joseph Gajzler.
Thank you for the
February 4
Aileen Raulin

I have a faded print of Quai de la Tournelle in
Snow, Paris by TF Simon 1909. Unfortunately it
is a re-proof. I found an article in the
Montreal Gazette July 28,1916 advertising "About
Jacobi Proofs" on pg 10. It states that artists
or first proofs are very expensive while the
prices of reproofs, a second proof taken from an
etched plate, are very moderate- 4.50-7.50. I
believe the store selling them was called The
Second Floor. My print is faded and it is hard
to see the color. Compared to the original, it
almost looks like it is black and white. The
original of the same print is for sale on ebay
for $3500. I am thinking mine may be worth
something like $20-50, if that. I enjoyed your
site and all the info available about this
prolific artist.
Aileen Raulin, USA
This is the info about Jacobi Reproofs sold in
Montreal, Canada.
Gazette", Montreal, July 28, 1916.
February 3, 2012
Richard Tito
Netherlands |

heer en/of mevrouw. Hier wat informatie over de
molenfoto waar u graag van wilde weten welke
molen dit is. Het is stellingmolen De Haan te
Zaandam Noord-Holland.
? Verbrand (burned down) 2 Aug 1912. Rest
gegevens staan in het boekje Zaanstreek in oude
ansichten deel 1 nr 30.
Gr Richard Tito
January 29, 2012
Katerina Simonova
Trebechovice pod Orebem.
First I want to
thank you for the beautiful and helpful web sites.
My parents found 2 colour etchings n. 431 and 593 in my
grandfather´s house 10 years ago.
Unfortunately he didn´t tell us the history of gaining these
two works ... His name was Vaclav
Simon and he lived in a small town Trebechovice near Hradec
Kralove, in the Czech Republic. His father was Josef Simon.
I want to ask for more information about our family or
Best regards, Mgr. Katerina Simonova.
For research to find out if your ancestors are from the same
Simon family line as the artist, you should contact the
State District Archive
of Hradec Kralove.
On this page you find
you for the link. I am going to find
out the rest and let you know.
Katerina Simonova
January 27, 2012
Pierre-Francois Braud
Q Bonjour und hallo de France, bravo pour votre dossier
trčs complet sur Vincent ŕ Auvers sur Oise . Que pensez
vous de ce portrait présumé de Vincent par Anton
Hirschig datant de 1890 ? peut etre le dernier portrait
de Vincent avant sa mort ? corrigé par lui ?
Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas ŕ me contacter.
You should
the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
Hello Bonjour Catharine, MFG is not my name but the
abreviation of the german " mit freudliche Grusse
"... I thought you were german, my name is
Pierre-Francois Braud ...pierre francois like in the
french movie " les enfants du paradis " of Marcel
Carné 1945 the surname of the anarchist killer
Lacenaire. More seriously I have already contacted
the VGM in Amsterdam and they have officially
replied in 2005 ( on photo analysis ! ) that "based
on stylistic grounds it's our opinion this work of
art cannot be attributed to Vincent Van Gogh" but
quid of the man sketched on this drawing ? Best
regards, Pfb. It is not to me to conclude if the p ortrait
shows Van Gogh (Goch), drawn by Anton (Tom) Hirschig,
signed and dated '90. But it is most interesting
because Hirschig, a Dutch painter
(Naarden1867-Alkmaar1939), stayed in Auberge Ravoux
at the time of Van Gogh's death, his room was on the
same floor on the attic.
Try to contact the Netherlands
Institute for Art History.http://english.rkd.nl
Merci, I have contacted the Insititute in the
meantime on your advise.
2 0 1 2
December 5, 2011
Dr. Geoffrey Simon
Raleigh, NC
Thank you so much for this informative and beautifully-constructed site!
It has enabled me to identify four T.F. Simon prints just acquired (Novak #s 357, 388, 420, and 438).
November 14, 2011
Petr Walder
Czechia |

Hello, Very nice web
site! I collect graphic from T.F.Simon. It is
inspiring to
me. I send photo N 610! I wish you much success.
With respect, Mgr. Petr Walder.
September 16,
Christine von der Linn
New York City
Thank you for your beautiful
and helpful web site. Here at Swann Galleries Auction House
in New York City, where I am specialist of art and
illustrated books, I just catalogued a lovely original
sketchbook of Simon from1914 similar to those on your site,
along with other Czech avant-garde pieces for our November
8th sale.
Swann Auction Galleries.
September 3, 2011
Paul van
Hoi Emilie. Professor Koloman,
ik vermoed dat dit Koloman Moser (Wenen 1868-1918) is. Hij
heeft de Wiener Werkstätte opgezet in 1903. Een belangrijke
medewerker was de Tsjechische schilder en etser Emil
Orlik (1870 Praag-1932 Berlijn). Emil Orlik staat trouwens
vermeld in het gastenboek (1898) van Hotel Spaander in
September 2, 2011
Emilie van
Katwijk aan Zee
De kunstenaar T F Simon staat
niet in de lijst van kunstenaars vermeld die verblijf
hadden in Katwijk aan Zee. Ene prof. Koloman, lijkt mij van
Tsjechische afkomst, is opgenomen in de lijst. Als een
kunstenaar langer dan een dag verbleef in een plaats dan
moest dit bij de plaatselijke autoriteiten wordt
August 23, 2011
Kathy Gregory
Q Hello, My father recently gave me 4 framed pieces of artwork I have fallen in LOVE with, especially since my visit to Paris and falling in love with everything there. They were given to him and he has no information on them, however I think they are etchings of T.F.Simon. It is a collection of different views of Notre Dame and in the bottom right of each written in pencil is ND De La Broye. While the etchings are intact and in good shape, I have not looked at the back as there seems to have been some sort of damage to the frames and coverings so I am cautious about opening up the back to get a better look. I do not see them in your Original Catalogue Raisonné and was wondering if you could confirm they are indeed some of his work. |
I’ve attached pictures for your review. The photos themselves are not of the best quality. I have asked someone with a talent for taking photos of artwork to come in and photograph them for me. Also, as I was reading comments from others who enjoy his work and was surprised to find reference to members of his family visiting or residing in Detroit, Michigan as these 4 pieces of work were originally sold by Grinnell Bros. Fine Arts Gallery in Detroit, Michigan. The stickers noting the gallery have fallen off with age, but I was able to salvage two of them.Your website is wonderful and I am enjoying reading and re-reading his biography and looking at all his work. Thanks so much, Kathy Gregory.
Thank you for sending all the images, but
the four prints you have are not by the artist T F Simon.
August 12, 2011
Emilie van
Katwijk aan Zee
Nederland |
Den Haag is uiteraard geschikt
daarvoor. Ideaal als het Museum dan een boek uitgeeft met
mooie foto's van de tentoongestelde etsen en schilderijen.
Maar waar moet je die kunstwerken vandaan halen? Zal wel een
lange termijn project worden voordat zoiets tot stand komt,
zeker is dat het bezoekers zal boeien. Katwijk heeft een
museum, het organiseert geregeld tentoonstellingen. Zal
zeker even kijken of ze daar informatie hebben over
Tsjechische kunstenaars. Kupka heeft in Nederland gewoond,
verder heb ik geen idee. Slot, groet Emilie.
August 11, 2011
Paul van
Ha Emilie, dat zal ik
binnenkort doen. Trouwens jij kunt in het Museum van
Katwijk navraag doen, misschien is daar iets te vinden over
Tsjechische kunstenaars. Iemand schrijft in dit gastenboek
dat een tentoonstelling in het Gemeente Museum van Den Haag
een idee is, lijkt mij ook wel een geschikte locatie voor
een tentoonstelling voor deze kunstenaar. |
August 10, 2011
van Doornik
Katwijk aan Zee
Hallo Paul, zou wel leuk zijn
als je de namen van die Tsjechen op deze pagina vermeld. Ik
ben namelijk heel benieuwd. |
August 6, 2011
van Duin
T F Simon wordt niet vermeld in
de lijst die Emilie bedoelt, er staan wel enkele Tsjechische
kunstenaars in vermeld. Groet Paul.
July 29, 2011
Emilie van Doornik
Katwijk aan
Nederland |
Met interesse heb ik deze site
over T F Simon bekeken, ik had nog niet eerder van deze
kunstenaar geweten. De strandscčnes zijn prachtig. Je kunt
wellicht informatie vinden over Simon zijn verblijf in
Nederland bij Pulchri in Den Haag of in het archief van het
Museum van de gemeente Zandvoort, daar is een lijst in te
zien van kunstenaars uit het buitenland die in Zandvoort
verbleven in het begin van de 20ste eeuw. Misschien is zijn
naam niet in de lijst te vinden, U kunt Uw eigen gegevens
doorgeven om die aan de lijst toe te voegen, en is het een
idee om te kijken of er andere Tsjechische kunstenaars
worden genoemd. Succes!
June 15,
D. Kenneth Mahoney
I am absolutely amazed at
the amount of works T.F SIMON produced and what
wonderful creations they are. I am an artist myself and
also a painting restorer, so I am always in and out of
galleries and shops. Twenty years ago, I saw this
beautiful colored etching in a small village antique
shop. I could not take my eyes off it and I returned to
the shop three times to see it again. I finally
purchased it with what smalls fund I had at that time.
Since that time, each day I look at it and appreciate it
more and more. The work is: BOULEVARD SAINT-MARTIN IN
WINTER, PARIS. Just today I found your website and it
has greatly expanded my world. Is it possible to
purchase T.F.SIMON works presently for I would like to
acquire another. A wonderful artist and website. Thank
You, D. Kenneth Mahoney
Mai 2, 2011
Franky Leeuwerck
Belgium |
April 28, 2011
René Schober
Vienna |
April 27, 2011
March 30, 2011
Andalucia/ Spain
March 22, 2011
John Hussey
England |
Februari 27, 2011
van Heel
Nederland/ Haarlem
Het is jammer dat de buttons
bovenin de hoofdpagina zijn verwijderd, kan de link
naar de catalogue raisonné herstelt worden, en tevens die
naar de pagina's met kleine foto's van grafieken en
schilderijen? Groet, Tom
Ja, er zijn
enkele buttons weer geplaatst bovenin de hoofdpagina.
January 28, 2011
Office de Tourisme
d'Ault (-Onival)
Normandy (France) |

The 'Office de Tourisme
d'Ault (-Onival)' added information
about the artist to their recently launched
website and created this wonderful picture.
January 10, 2011
Alexander Amory
Northbrook, IL
January 6, 2011
van Heel
Nederland/ Haarlem
De beste wensen alsnog voor het
nieuwe jaar. Inmiddels heb ik gezien dat de Nederlandse
versie van de biografie bijna klaar is. Mooi gedaan! Tom |
January 3, 2011
Hello and Thank You for your kindness in
providing your page for questions and
comments. I recently acquired a T F Simon
etching proof that I am very fond of but
have so far been unable to date it's
production. A card attached to the back lists
the title as
Bohemia and appears to state that
it was a Christmas present to someone in
1933. Attached are photos of the etching and
the card. Can you please pass along any
information that might help me to pinpoint
when in Mr. Simon created this lovely piece. Many Thanks, Markum
This print is listed in the catalogue raisonné as
number 406-
1924 (state II):
Silhouette of Hradcany (the castle of Prague) in
the evening. The photo of the interesting card
is to small. Can you provide us a larger one so
that we can read the text on it?
Hello again Catharine. Many Thanks for your courtious and very helpful reply with the additional information on my etching.Here is a larger photo of the card/label that was attached to my etching. Upon closer inspection it is actually a paper label attached to a heavy brown paper that was most likely used as backing on an original or older mount. The pencil at the top reads " For M.E.R. Xmas 1933 From Mother". The very faint pencil at the bottom is hard to make out but the last word is "Prague".
My original thought was that this card/label was that of a reseller but I'd truly value your opinion on whether you feel Mr. Simon may have also been connected to it as well. Also attached here is a close up photo of the monogram in green with a number in pencil beside it. That number is also rather faint but appears to be "772". Since only 300 prints were produced it must signify something else and I'd surely appreciate any knowledge that you can pass along as to it's meaning.
Again, Many Thanks for your dedication to helping others share, learn more about, and enjoy T F Simon's works. Best Wishes In The New Year. Markum.
A The lable is an original one from the time that the print was produced.
The number of this print is 112.
December 25, 2010
Linda Yvette
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! |
December 10, 2010
Philip Lee
November 2, 2010
Rosemary Yeoland
AU |
October 20, 2010
Ivan Kubinek
Q First of all I
would like to thank you for the great work, which is
represented by TFSimon website. I really appreciate
your effort to
discovery and complete presentation of amazing work
of the Czech artist T.F.Simon. I have a small collection of his early
I was very surprised when I detected
that one of my print isn't listed in the catalogue! It is very similar to
No. 1916 AP2 (Impression of the sea I) but with small
differences and in different dimensions 95mm x
109mm. I attach the photograph. Maybe it helps you
to complete the catalogue with new unknown work. If
you could add some comments related to this print I
would appreciate it. |
It is much appreciated to receive your photo and
information. Your print is listed in the meantime on
the website as Novak 1916 AP6.
September 16, 2010
Ellen Cuiperi
Holland/ Den Haag
Bedankt voor het
maken van deze website. Ik kijk geregeld, en met genoegen!
Misschien kan er een Simon tentoonstelling worden
georganiseerd in Nederland, bijvoorbeeld in Den Haag!
August 22, 2010
Hawaď |
August 15, 2010
Mandy Cruickshank
Q A wonderful site!
I found the Van Gogh section to be highly useful as it
clearly shows brush strokes and palette. May I ask if
there are any plans for more Van Gogh please? We bought
a badly-described painting from an auction in France
last year that is a 19th century oil painting of the
Crau but a version of the one he called Peach Trees in
Blossom. The back has hand writing on the piece
of wood and when I looked at the photo of the back of
the 2nd bedroom one he did, that the VG Museum were
restoring, I could see and identical back - with
handwriting too! They were also cleaning off some yellowy
varnish which ours also has. So interesting. If you
would like to have a look at a photo of it I would be
delighted to email you one?
Also, I don't know if this is of any interest to you but
we also have managed to acquire a portrait of Vincent
that was drawn in pastels by an artist neighbour of his
when he was on Rue Laval (which changed it's name to Rue
Victor Massé) in Paris. They lived just 4 doors apart.
Again it was badly described and we paid low for it but
it is truly amazing! It shows so many things about him,
including the Bible he painted and the crumpled top hat
he sketched. Even his boots could be the ones he
painted? His quill is in the background (when everyone
else was using pens) and his trousers are rolled up like
Dutch workers'. If you would like to see a photo of this
too and even include either of
them on your site you are welcome to. It is all so very
interesting and it would be great for other people to be
able to see them. Please do let me know what you think.
Thanks again for your great site!
For expertise you
should contact the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
Q Thank you for the
reply. We have indeed contacted the Van Gogh Museum who
are looking at the photos of both pictures now. The
portrait is what it is - a portrait of Van Gogh by his
neighbour Jeanne Donnadieu. The other one needs
authenticating but at the moment we can find no
reason to doubt it's authenticity as it is most
definitely a 19th century oil and it is most definitely
the Crau, Peach Trees in Blossom. The back is the same
as his bedroom painting. Who copied him
back then? If this isn't truly him then it is the most
incredible fake I have seen and I have spent the last
year and a half living Vincent Van Gogh, staring day
after day at each of his paintings, staring at
fakes, and even went to the exhibition in London where I
was able to stand nose close to his paintings....for
which I was severely told off for!! This is why I have
loved looking at your close up photos of his art. I
still continue my research and refer to colours,
technique, impasto etc
etc etc. You know how it is? I virtually have van Gogh
vision now! :-)
Anyway, the reason I contacted you
was to see if you wanted to have a look or even put
photos onto your site with the information we have
acquired so that people can enjoy the curiosity of it?
The portrait is not in dispute but The Crau one is. It
would be such an exciting thing for people to wait it
out alongside us, for the results. People may also throw
in some remarks or input of some kind that could help?
It is all so interesting! So please do let me know. I
can send you photos and details. It is fun sharing these
things with people who care and are passionate about
such subjects too.
Sure, you
can send
us the photos of the pastel, we are curious to see the
artwork of the French female artist Jeanne Donnadieu.

Q Here is the
portrait. We recognised it as being Vincent but
it was only sold as a 19th Century pastel of a
The pastel seems to be an original artwork by
the artist Jeanne Donnadieu. If you ever
get the result, the question if it shows Van
Gogh, let us know.
Thank you for sharing your photos.
February 5, 2012:
July 28, 2010
Pam Schwartz
July 15, 2010
Sue Johnston
June 28,
Larry Colbert
June 27, 2010
Sam Garcia
I think you've done a good thing by building your site--I, for one,
would have been completely ignorant of this artist had I not stumbled
upon your site. Thanks--I enjoyed this artist's work and am pleased to have discovered
it via your dedicated activities. Sam Garcia
June 26, 2010
van Heel
Nederland/ Haarlem |
Q Goedendag. Ik geniet regelmatig van
deze website. Het zou wellicht een goede aanvulling zijn
indien U een biografie over de kunstenaar in het
Nederlands publiceert voor de niet Engelstaligen onder
ons :-). Bent U dat van plan? Mijn dank, Tom.
In het diepe najaar van 2010 wordt
de biografie in het Nederlands gepubliceerd!
June 1, 2010
Stéphanie Cedrone
France |
Merci pour votre site, si riche et
complet, qui m'a permis de découvrir un grand artiste !
Tous ces dessins et peintures inspirés du monde entier
sont un vrai plaisir pour les yeux... T.F. Simon
mériterait en effet d'ętre plus connu !Je ne peux que
vous souhaiter une bonne continuation pour votre superbe
site :). Cordialement, Stéphanie
May 28, 2010
Branko Zivadinovic
Thanks to your site, I am delighted
to have found out that I am a proud owner of oneof T. F. Simon's graphics. It is listed under no. 305.
Convalescent. His red logo is
in the lower left corner, and pencil signed on the right
hand side. I would be grateful
if you could let me know how many copies were made.
Your web site is excellent. Keep up with good work !
Thank you, Branko Zivadinovic
Dear Branko. As noticed in the
Catalogue Raisonné 10 copies were published in private
by the artist, and an unknown number of copies were
published in Art magazine Hollar. Yours is rare: signed
in pencil and the logo in red.
May 20, 2010
Hello. I´m just writing to say thank
you from Brazil :)
This site is for sure one of the best about an artist.
Thank you again. |
May 19, 2010
Georges Lévy
Je vous remercie, moi simple
passant, de m'avoir fait découvrir ce Génie de la Litho
et de m'avoir ainsi gratifié de ce grand bonheur que
l'on éprouve devant la beauté de l'oeuvre prolixe de T.F.
May 4, 2010
Hello, I have an original etching
from T.F. it is called Tropical Wood. There is a card
paper clipped to it that reads: an original etching, the
entire edition of which has been published only for the
friends of Rudolf Lesch fine arts. This piece is in
excellent condition it appears to be on 8x10 paper with
a border that indents into the paper, by the artists
hand it is signed. Can anyone tell me what the value of
something like this would be or whom of interest? I
would be happy to send a picture of it. Thank you.

(June 28. This print
is sold by Jeanie in the meantime). |
April 12, 2010
Pavel Novotný
Czech rep.
_small.jpg) |
comment to the picture "Helmovy mlýny" is not correct.
On the picture is north part of the houses 1225 and 1226
in Barvírská
ulice (houses from 14.th. century do not exist anymore
and river bed of Vltava is now
aprox. 150 m northern) - On the recent map see (park)
eastern part of street
Lannova (between Barvírská and Holbova str.).
Novak 86, 1908.
Right part of Šimon´s picture shows "Nové
mlýny ", on your map Nr. 1242 (Baborský mlýn
and Veselský mlýn) - also today it does not exist anymore - now western part of park Lannova,
in front
of the Post stamp Museum....Thank you for the very nice
web presentation.
Dear Pavel Novotny,
Cordial thanks! for the identification of
the exact location of this print.
We have added
your information and images to the
page with the comparison photos
April 2, 2010
A wonderful and prolific artist,
unknown to me until now.
April 2, 2010
Nick Higbee

I recently bought a copy of
Oriental Sketches at auction and since then have
become very interested in his work. Fantastic
web site !
March 21, 2010
Brad Cowen
I have a T.F Simon print number 906,
signed and on the back there is a label that says "On
the Canal-Amsterdam", original etching by T.F Simon. My
mother in law received it from her mother some time ago
and my wife had it placed in a new frame. Can someone
tell me if this is a desirable piece. It is hanging in
my living room now and I really like it. I have looked
at other Simons and I like his work. Thanks for any info
you can share.
Dear Brad Cowen. It is a pleasure
to receive your message, but please can you send us a
digital image of the artwork you have to identify which
Simon print it is. We need to verify the print and
'number 906' that you mention.

Thank you
for the image. In the Catalogue Raisonné you
can find that this print is listed as N117/
year 1909. Title: Old Houses in Amsterdam.
It is an original etching and printed in an
edition of 150 prints. Your artwork is signed
in pencil T. F. Simon, numbered 106. The location in Amsterdam is: Oudezijds
Achterburgwal, in the center of the oldest
part of the city. |
March 20, 2010
Yann Farinaux
Le Sidaner

May I tell you all my pleasure to
discover your magnificent Imaginary Web
Museum, the richest website I ever seen about an
As the great-grand-son of the painter Henri Le Sidaner,
and the author of the Catalogue Raisonné Le
Sidaner-L’Oeuvre peint et gravé edited in 1989, I am
currently publishing Paysages Intimes, a
comprehensive book on Henri Le Sidaner. This very rich
book is organized with 22 chapters, each one being a
place the artist has painted and loved. It will take us
on journey through older France and towards further
landscapes he cherished.
I relate the
journey Le Sidaner made to Prague (with the writer
Camille Mauclair) in May 1907. Auguste Rodin told them:
« Allez-y. Vous verrez, ils nous aiment. »The
society Manes had offered to the painter an exhibition
shared with the Sculptor, Louis Dejean.
They were so happy to be
so welcomed. « Les tableaux sont placés dans un
cadre charmant
», wrote Le Sidaner to his
friend Duhem,
nous avons été reçus avec Mauclair comme des
ministres. Nous voyageons toute la journée en voiture
municipale, visite de la ville, musée, théâtre, musique
de chambre, banquet ! Tout cela me fait supposer que je
suis devenu vieux, je ne veux jamais le croire. »
Mauclair wrote they met in Prague
artists like T.F. Simon, Boettinger, Preisler, Svabinsky,
Kafka, Strimpl… « Tous des artistes généreux
aimant la France. »
I was happily surprised to discover in
your website, a portrait of my great-grand-father by
Hugo Boettinger, and another drawing showing Mauclair. I
have another little portrait Boettinger offered to Le
Sidaner. My publisher has it now. I will ask him this
Monday to send me a scan for you. May I ask you if the Boettinger’s drawings could offer more memories of their
encounter? Or if you know any other source which could
describe their relations?
I have some photographies showing
Strimpl and his wife in Le Sidaner’s garden in Gerberoy.
Would you know if any other Czech artist went in
Dear Yann Fariaux Le Sidaner. It is an honour
to receive a message from the
great-grandson of the
French painter Henri Le Sidaner.
The impressive exhibition in
1902 of August Rodin's artworks, 88 sculptures and 75
drawings, was hold shortly before the Society Manes
organized an exhibition with French art of painters as
Bernard and Le Sidaner. The Czech artist Josef Maratka
was a pupil of Rodin, he and Alfons Mucha were able to
push Rodin to show his sculptures in Prague and even in other
places in the country. Several articles by the author
Camille Mauclair were published (translated) in the art magazine
'Volny Smery' starting 20th century. Max Svabinsky's album 'Summer' with etchings includes a
preface by Mauclair. This artist made a portrait
(drawing) of Rodin in 1902.
The exhibition in Prague of
Le Sidaner shared with Dejean was hold in 1907. One issue of Volny
Smery,1907 XXII, is totally dedicated to this exhibition.
It must have been a real happening when Mauclair and Le Sidaner arrived in Prague, welcomed with great enthusiasm by their
colleagues. It is interesting to know you are preparing
the chapter for your book dedicated to Le Sidaner's
journey to Prague.
The two drawings by Hugo Boettinger (1880-1934) of
'Henry le Sidaner' (chalk, 1907-16,4x10,8cm) and
'arrival of Camille Mauclair in Prague' (pencil, 1907- 33,5x24,9cm) were both exhibited in Prague in 1958
(National Gallery), where an extended exhibition of 225
artworks by the artist was organized. Boettinger had
contact within the circle of visual arts, music, and
-Unfortunately other artworks by the artist or sources are not known to us that could offer
memories of the encounter of Le Sidaner. Maybe you
should find correspondences of Czech artists in Prague
in the archives.
There are no records known to us if other Czech artists
went in Gerberoy.
We are looking forward with great curiosity to receive the image of
the portrait by Hugo Boettinger that was offered by him
to Le Sidaner.
If someone who reads this message
has information on Czech artists who went in Gerberoy or
sources that shows memories of the encounter of Le
Sidaner please let us know.
March 20, 2010
Henk van de Merwe
The Netherlands
As a pure amateur, I was really happy
to come across TF. Simon last year, where I could use
his paintings and drawings in a fanfic-project. A virtual
journey from Paris to Amsterdam, which was very
inspiring and educating, thanks to this website.
March 2, 2010
Waldman, M.D.
I am sincerely grateful to all those
that participated in the creation of this wonderful
website as well as those readers who responded so
thoughtfully and individually. My admiring comments
about this great artist would be a regurgitation of what
has already been said, except perhaps to say that his
graphic images, mainly of Paris, remind us of a
civilization now long past, and which, despite its own
imperfections, was a sincere and glorious one.
February 28, 2010
The Netherlands
Hi, I am the webmaster from
http://Vincent-van-Gogh.Beginthier.nl .
I have gladly added your Internet website to our
directory, and would appreciate it if you also will give
a text back link towards my page. Thank you kindly for
your effort.
February 28, 2010
Donald Rhodes
I have 2 T.F. Simon prints, one is
#114 and the other is #107. They are signed T.F. Simon
in the lower right corner, and E. Jacobs in the lower
left corner. Above Jacobs name they are marked re-proof.
Above Simons name one is stamped Campbell Art Company.
What does re-proof mean, and why are there 2 signatures?
I am sure as thorough as this site is you will surely
be able to answer my question. p.s. does thing make them
any more or less desirable, or does it matter? Thanks in
advance, Don
Dear Donald Rhodes. A re-proof print is printed from a metal plate (the etched and engraved surface upon
which the image is made) and while the paper upon which the image is
transferred is still wet and the ink is also still wet, that “proof”
is run back through the press with another piece of paper on top of
it. The resulting re-transfer causes the mirror image to be flipped
and appear exactly the same as the image on the original engraved
E.Jacobi probably was the author of the copy, whose
signature is in the left corner. Maybe someone who
reads this message, can give us the answer about that
mysterious signature.
There have been made we presume quite a number of
facsimiles of Simons prints, as we received several
photos of prints like yours, signed Jacobi or E.Jacobi,
copied in the 20's and 30's of the last century.
Mostly with this re-proof process the
signature of the artist has been copied as well. Re-proof prints are less desirable.
SEE ALSO JULY 13, 2017
February 13, 2010
Clem Egan
A Simon print*) hung in my mother's living room for over
fifty years and none of us knew anything about it. I
took it to
Antiques Roadshow in Palm Springs and they identified it as a
Simon, which led me to this excellent website. What a
marvellous artist - I hope in years to come he'll be more
widely known. Thank you so much for all your hard work;
it's rare to find such a comprehensive and
well-organized site.
*) Soup Kitchen in Paris executed in 1927
February 9, 2010
Hannes Keller
You did great work to enrich the
world in which we live.
It is as if I was strolling through a
great landscape together with T.F. Simon, looking around
and wondering about many things, talking about this and
that. A joyful day with good feelings!
(Not available any more).
January 29, 2010
John Geller
I found this site extremely helpful
in my research of a signed print I have of TF Simon.
signature information on this website was what first
identified the print.
It was also very nice that email to the "contact" were
promptly answered with expert information.
January 20, 2010
I'm a fine artist and art educator
living in Pennsylvania, USA and also the PA State
Ambassador of the Portrait Society of America. My love
of beautiful portrait work and other rich subject
matter, is exemplified on this most amazing website. I
am fortunate to learn more about the work of T.F. Simon
and have growing appreciation of the Czech artists as a
whole. How very inspiring to observe such "proficiency
and passion" from the works and those who have assembled
this site for all to enjoy! Thank you.
January 16, 2010
Veit Feger
Germany |
herzliche Bewunderung für diese Ihre fabelhafte Website!
In ihr steckt ungeheuer viel Arbeit - und Respekt vor
der Arbeit des böhmischen Künstlers Simon.
Für mich ist diese Site auch deshalb sehr interessant,
weil sie nacherleben und erkennen lässt, wie sehr
bestimmte Kunststile zu einer bestimmten Zeit in der
abendländischen Kultur gewissermaßen universell waren,
in "kleinen" Ländern nicht anders als in (kunstgeschichtlich
viel eher behandelten) Ländern wie Frankreich, England,
Ich denke: Es war ein zwar spätes, aber doch auch großes
Glück für Simon, dass er eine solch engagierte
Promulgatorin seines Oevres bekommen hat.
Mit Dank, Bewunderung, Respekt:
Veit Feger.
January 10, 2010
Bill Barkeley
Q My
grandmother Olga Šimon Barkeley died last Wednesday at
the age of 102. Sadly, it was not until the funeral
yesterday that I found out that her father was the
brother of Tavik if I have the information correct. My
grandmother had 3 of his lithographs over her sofa for
over 50 yrs and we never really knew until she mentioned
the story of his visits to Detroit 2x in the early 20th
century. The work is impressive and hard to believe that
we have such a close connection to him. We will be
looking for some art to acquire. My wife and I love
bridges and are wondering if there is any of his work of
San Francisco out there. It holds a special place in our
hearts as one of our homes and we'd love to have
something done by him. Thanks for the wonderful web site
we learned so much!
Antonin František
01-01-1867) was the eldest brother of the artist who emigrated to the U.S.A. in the early 20th century and lived in Detroit with his
2, 2010.
After we compared file details on Antonin Simon with Mr. Barkeley's
information, we are not sure if the father of Olga Simon was Tavik's
brother, although they have the same name.
november 2018,
from Daniel Barkeley we learned recently
that Olga Šimon was a niece of the artist, as her
father Antonin was a brother of Tavik František
Bill Barkeley's information is correct.
January 4, 2010
Zbynęk Svoboda
Czechia |
I found
this website several years ago and since then I have
spent many happy hours reading articles and looking at
the incomparable catalog of graphical artworks by TFS.
What a treasure for a collector or just a fan! Who can
really imagine the time and effort necessary to create
this? Many thanks again, Catharine!
December 29,
Ed Schneider
Catharine, you've provided
the world with a wonderful website, sharing the
brilliance of Šimon with us all.
December 29,
Quay Brothers
England/London |
We are writing to you [thanks
to our dear friend Brian Banks] to compliment you [and
your team] on your fabulous work on T.F. Šimon . We were
lamentably and shamefully unaware of his work and my
brother and I tend to pride ourselves on knowing
maverick artists from Eastern Europe. We send you our
deepest gratitude and thanks for all your work [and
continued work!] and very best and warmest wishes for
the coming New Years. Very sincerely yours.
December 28,
James Scroggs
Congratulations and thank
you. Your website is a marvellous tribute to a great
artist whose graphic work may well be without equal.
December 27, 2009
Brian R.Banks
It is always a rare joy to
discover a completely 'new' art and artist, one who has
scandalously (through originality) escaped the myopic
arbiters of culture, much to their detriment. Perhaps
because his art fuses the visual with the deeply poetic,
which therefore crosses borders and the parameters of
curriculum, like spirits regarding science. The
opportunity to share the results of his vision is
singularly thanks to the webmaster of this site, for
whom said spirits will--one trusts-- more than make up
for the neglect of their pre-states. True, gloriously
bountiful art is fortunate to be passed on through such
caring hands. Thank you!
December 27, 2009
Petr Pokorný
Greetings to all fans of
Tavík František Šimon! Have a wonderful new year with
images of this artist. |
December 26, 2009
Catharine Bentinck |
Dear Friends! The team
of this website let you all know our appreciation for
your attention and images we received in the past years
and above all: inspiration to build up this website.
Special thanks to Zbynęk Svoboda. We wish you all
a peaceful, joyful and creative 2010!
